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 Tour/Single News

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 324
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.08
Alter : 30
Ort : Aligse

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BeitragThema: Tour/Single News   Tour/Single News Icon_minitimeMo Apr 07, 2008 10:27 pm

Wisconsin state fair just announced its summer concert line-up and they have Vanessa Hudgens slated to do the 7pm show on the 5th of August (with Corbin Bleu as opening). I hope these two get themselves to my neck of the woods; I want to see a live performance of Still there for me.

So as far as Vanessa’s concert tour this summer, we now have the following (no thanks to Hollywood Records):

August 2nd - Lousiana Blue Bayou/Dixie Landin’ Park
August 5th - Wisconsin State Fair (with Corbin Bleu)
August 10th - State Fair of West Virginia (Jordan Pruitt will open for her)
August 15th - Freedom Hall, Louisville, KY
August 23rd - Oregon State Fair
August 27th - New York State Fair (with Jordan Pruitt, Drew Seeley, & Corbin Bleu)
We’ll try to update this list as often as we get any news.

Also, we are starting to unveil our own summer plans for Vanessa here in VABN (RL permitting). Stay tune for that.

UPDATE:Radio Disney has started announcing a “Vanessa Hudgens take over” of the station. So the premiere of the single is definitely a go for this Friday. No mention of the title though.
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