Baby V
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 Album News

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 324
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.08
Alter : 30
Ort : Aligse

Album News Empty
BeitragThema: Album News   Album News Icon_minitimeFr Apr 18, 2008 1:35 pm

Just got official word that Vanessa Hudgens‘ upcoming album, Identified, is due out on Tuesday, June 24.

Mark your calendars!

And put on your dancing shoes, the brand new single, “Sneakernight,” will be available on iTunes on Tuesday, May 20.


Also, here's the latest 'rumored' list of Summer Tour Dates: (thanks vanashbrenique!)

August 2nd - Lousiana Blue Bayou/Dixie Landin’ Park
August 5th - Wisconsin State Fair (with Corbin Bleu)
August 8th - Jackson County Fair, Jackson MI (Roony is opening for her)
August 10th - State Fair of West Virginia (Jordan Pruitt will open for her)
August 15th - Freedom Hall, Louisville, KY
August 23rd - Oregon State Fair
August 27th - New York State Fair (with Jordan Pruitt, Drew Seeley, & Corbin Bleu)
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