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 Vanessa... on tour?!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 324
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.08
Alter : 30
Ort : Aligse

Vanessa... on tour?! Empty
BeitragThema: Vanessa... on tour?!   Vanessa... on tour?! Icon_minitimeDi März 25, 2008 3:38 am

Well, we don’t have an official word from Hollywood Records or from anyone from her camp - but from the looks of it, Vanessa Hudgens will be going on a summer tour to promote her sophomore album.

And how do we know this?

Well, Lousiana’s Blue Bayou Waterpark has posted their 2008 Summer Concert Series Schedule and slated for August 2nd is one Vanessa Hudgens. They are even advertising it on their marquee according to a lovely FF girl, curlygirly.

Of course we will tell you more about this tour: more dates, venue and such, as soon as we find out more. Hopefully, Hollywood Records will make the official announcement when we get more definite plans on the album.
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Vanessa... on tour?!
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