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 Vanessa ABC radio Interview

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 324
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.08
Alter : 30
Ort : Aligse

Vanessa ABC radio Interview Empty
BeitragThema: Vanessa ABC radio Interview   Vanessa ABC radio Interview Icon_minitimeDi Jul 22, 2008 5:18 pm

Vanessa Hudgens dishes on music, movies and boyfriend Zac Efron to ABC’s Good Morning America Radio. Here are some of the highlights from her interview:

On her fans backing her up after the nude photo scandal hit: “My fans were amazing because they have stood by my side. They really are my core group. My family’s always there for me. I just surround myself with good people and try to think of good things.”

On how she felt when the photos first hit the Internet: “I think people thought I took it lighter than I really did. For me, it was really tough because I’m a private person and for something like that at to happen, it’s so mean. It’s just a horrible thing. It sucks. But thankfully it’s over and it’s in the past.”

On who leaked her nude photos: “Stupid people.”

On how her relationship is with Zac Efron: “It’s good, thank you.”

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Vanessa ABC radio Interview
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