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 HSM 3 official poster

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 324
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.08
Alter : 30
Ort : Aligse

HSM 3 official poster Empty
BeitragThema: HSM 3 official poster   HSM 3 official poster Icon_minitimeDo Mai 01, 2008 11:42 pm

Check out the newly released High School Musical 3 poster with Zac Efon, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale and the rest of the HSM3 gang!

Click here for a larger picture of the poster!

Hitting the theaters on October 24th, it’s senior year for the Wildcats!

Synopsis: Senior Year finds high school seniors Troy (Efron) and Gabriella (Hudgens) facing the prospect of separation as they head off to different colleges. Joined by the rest of the Wildcats, they stage an elaborate spring musical reflecting their experiences, hopes and fears about the future. With incredible new music and exciting dance numbers designed to take maximum advantage of the big screen, this motion picture extravaganza delivers plenty of high-energy entertainment from East High’s talented ensemble.

WHAT DO YOU THINK about the upcoming HSM3 movie?

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