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 Vanessa Hudgens is a Pizza Monster

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 324
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.08
Alter : 30
Ort : Aligse

Vanessa Hudgens is a Pizza Monster Empty
BeitragThema: Vanessa Hudgens is a Pizza Monster   Vanessa Hudgens is a Pizza Monster Icon_minitimeFr März 21, 2008 7:08 pm

Vanessa Hudgens dons her furry hood as she dives into a slice of New York pizza on the set of her movie Will on Thursday in New York City.

Co-star Gaelan Connell joined her for a slice as well!

Chucky Klapow choreographed the dance moves for High School Musical 3: Senior Year scheduled for release in theaters in October and had some kind words for V: “Vanessa is the most naturally gifted in picking up the new moves!”

Go Wildcats!

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Vanessa Hudgens is a Pizza Monster
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