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 Boarding a private Jet with Zac -4.7.08

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 324
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.08
Alter : 30
Ort : Aligse

Boarding a private Jet with Zac -4.7.08 Empty
BeitragThema: Boarding a private Jet with Zac -4.7.08   Boarding a private Jet with Zac -4.7.08 Icon_minitimeDi Jul 22, 2008 5:33 pm

Arriving back home in Los Angeles following a NYC promotional trip, Vanessa Hudgens enjoyed one night’s rest before meeting up with her “High School Musical” boyfriend Zac Efron for a trip out of town.

The Disney co-star couple were spotted exiting a limousine earlier today (July 4) - boarding a private jet one at a time to avoid being photographed together… for the time being.

Meanwhile, a helping hand was spotted carrying a travel-ready surfboard over to the plane, leading to suggest that Zac and Vanessa are undoubtedly looking forward to a little beach time together.

And with fellow “HSM” star Ashley Tisdale soaking up the rays with her beau Jared Murillo down in Hawaii, it doesn’t seem all that out of the question that we may just see a Disney foursome living it up in the island paradise.

Boarding a private Jet with Zac -4.7.08 Zanessa-plane-748-6

Boarding a private Jet with Zac -4.7.08 Zanessa-plane-748-5

Boarding a private Jet with Zac -4.7.08 Zanessa-plane-748-11

Boarding a private Jet with Zac -4.7.08 Zanessa-plane-748-10
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Boarding a private Jet with Zac -4.7.08
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